
The project
Mind the STEM Gap - Together

In conjunction with Politecnico di Milano and Fondazione Politecnico di Milano, Fondazione Bracco is launching “Mind The STEM Gap - Together,” a collaborative project for schools that looks at gender issues in the “STEAM” subjects.


You and your pupils are invited to jointly design a show inspired by your response to the Mind the STEM Gap Manifesto and Roblox video game. In addition to an itinerant physical version that will tour several schools, the exhibition will also be available in on the web.

The project began in January 2023. The goal is to reach out to and involve more than 10,000 young people. Follow the latest developments on our social media channels: #MindtheSTEMGapTogether


The content is divided into three areas, each of which is assigned its own working group.

Area 1: Watch out for stereotypes!
Let's debunk the idioms and clichés we hear repeated from an early age, which shape our perceptions of our abilities and inform the choices we make at school, at university and at work.

Area 2: Role model
Let's find out about women who have made it in the world of  STEM. We know six of them at least, those animating the Roblox game. But there are many other women  from across the ages and from all sorts of fields who are worth knowing.

Area 3: How to change, right now
There are some things we can change  right now. How we behave, the things we say, the actions we take, and the choices we make. We are not predestined to live  in a sexist and unfair world.

Contributing partners

  • Fondazione Bracco
  • Fondazione Politecnico di Milano
  • Department of Design of Politecnico di Milano
  • 120 students
  • Liceo Artistico “Nanni Valentini” [High School] of Monza (Monza-Brianza)
  • Istituto Tecnico [Technical College] “F. Viganò” of Merate (Lecco)
  • ITSOS Albe Steiner of Milano
  • DCxCG Research Group (Design della Comunicazione per le Culture di Genere) of the Department of Design of Politecnico di Milano
  • External partners


  • Young people 15 - 19 years
  • 120 students
  • 10 thousand people reached through the networks

Call for projects for “together” grant

Fondazione Bracco is one of the 16 private foundations that receives grants from the Region of Lombardy in connection with the “Together” programme for the funding of projects by young people (15-34 years) who live, study or work in Lombardy.

The “Together” projects have several aims: to promote the active participation of young people; to introduce services and opportunities to local areas and communities; to counter the phenomenon of the “NEET” (Not in Education, Employment or Training); to promote psycho-physical well-being; to encourage youth enterprise, creativity and involvement in environmental protection.

The project in 8 phases

Determine project profile and select schools

Participating partners

  • Fondazione Bracco
  • Fondazione Politecnico di Milano


  • Selection of schools to be included in the project
  • Selection of the 120 participants

Schools and students

18 Jan - 28 Feb 2023

Develop strategy, key messages and operational plan

Participating partners

  • Fondazione Bracco
  • Fondazione Politecnico di Milano
  • Department of Design of Politecnico di Milano
  • Three selected schools
  • External partners

PR and communication work to spread word of the project

10,000  secondary school students (15-19 years); teachers and head teachers; parents

18 Jan - 30 Nov 2023

Determine project profile and select schools

Participating partners

  • Fondazione Bracco
  • Fondazione Politecnico di Milano


  • Selection of schools to be included in the project
  • Selection of the 120 participants

Schools and students

18 Jan - 28 Feb 2023


  1. Determining the goals and content of the workshops (preliminary phase)
  2. Building methods and tools
  3. Timetabling  and preparation of activities, briefing  and start of activities
  4. Holding of workshops (each school deals with one of the three thematic areas), collection of backstage audiovisual documentation

Participating partners

  • Fondazione Bracco
  • Fondazione Politecnico di Milano
  • Department of Design of Politecnico di Milano
  • DCxCG  Research Group (Design della Comunicazione per le Culture di Genere) of the Department of  Design of Politecnico di Milano
  • 120 students
  • Three selected schools

To transfer the skills needed for the  setting up of a physical and digital exhibition involving 120 students from six classes

Analogue and digital works designed by the participants, to be used for a subsequent exhibition

Schools and students

28 Feb- 30 June 2023


  • March-May >> Systematize the manifestos prepared in the workshops | organize materials and co-design formats and supports  that are suitable for a touring  exhibition | select/inspect the exhibition spaces and display area | create a kit of materials with installation  instructions
  • July >> Inauguration of a preview exhibition at Centro Diagnostico Italiano (CDI)
  • September >> First installation of the touring exhibition  (school to be chosen)

Participating partners

  • Department of Design of Politecnico di Milano
  • DCxCG  Research Group (Design della Comunicazione per le Culture di Genere) of the Department of  Design of Politecnico di Milano
  • 120 students and teachers
  • The schools


  • To promote creativity and opportunities for young people in the cultural and artistic fields
  • To attract 2-5 thousand students and parents to the exhibition


  • Holding of exhibitions
  • Exhibition promotion
  • Exhibition kit


  • 120 secondary school students (first-level target)
  • 2-5 thousand users of the exhibition (second-level target)

Apr - Nov 2023


  • Mar-Apr >> Launch of the brief and start of activities
  • Apr-May >> Co-design of the digital exhibition format
  • May-Jun >> Digital implementation of materials (kinetic posters, augmented reality)
  • Backstage | User experience design
  • Jun-Sep >> Production of the digital exhibition
  • July >> Preview launch
  • September >> Launch of the complete digital exhibition

DCxCG  Research Group (Design della Comunicazione per le Culture di Genere) of the Department of  Design of Politecnico di Milano


To promote creativity and opportunities for young people in the cultural and artistic fields
To reach 10 thousand users

Web space for virtual visits to the  exhibition, with digital content to bring the experience to life


  • Students aged 15-19 from high schools in Lombardy
  • Users of the exhibition (up to 10,000 secondary school students plus adults)

Apr - Nov 2023

Visit virtual exhibition

Dissemination of  students’ work across social media channels

Participating partners

  • Fondazione Bracco
  • Fondazione Politecnico di Milano
  • Department of Design of Politecnico di Milano
  • 120 students
  • Teachers
  • DCxCG  Research Group (Design della Comunicazione per le Culture di Genere) of the Department of  Design of Politecnico di Milano

Engagement and conversions

10,000 visitors during the project and in the months following the end of activities

June - Nov 2023

Monthly meetings

Participating partners

  • Fondazione Bracco
  • Fondazione Politecnico di Milano
  • External professionals

Monitoring plan + Monthly report + Collection of materials for the exhibition

Schools and students

28 Feb - 30 Nov 2023